Raw Food – Day 10: Goats Milk Cottage Cheese for Budwig.

Raw Food – Day 10: Goats milk cottage cheese for Budwig.

Made cottage cheese with goats milk.  I suspect that agreed with me better.  Had a look at the protein content of goats milk and it seems to be about the same for the purposes of the FOCC mix.  Evening pH a significant improvement on the morning, could be to the more alkalising affect of goats milk.  I also a few sheets of nori during the day and this could have had an affect.  Is it wrong that I am starting to enjoy kale and celery juice?

Totals for the day:

Calories: 1952 kcal

Calories from fat:48%

fat: 113g

sugar: 93g

Protein: 46g

Fiber: 42g

Stats for the day:

Morning weight: 65.5kg

Morning pH: Urine 6.5

Evening temperature: not measured

Evening pulse: not measured

Evening pH: Urine 7.1

General Thoughts:

While sticking to the FOCC mixture it will be hard to get fat percentage below 40%.  However how is this for an interesting stat.  It has been estimated that a modern person has a omega 6 to omega 3 ratio of between 10 and 20 to 1 when living on a modern, unhealthy diet (meaning for every gram of Omega 3 they eat they eat 10 to 20 grams of Omega 6).  There is evidence that a healthy ratio (even one swayed to favor our lifestyle) would be between 2 and 4 to 1.  Yesterday, with the high intake of flax seeds and flax seed oil my ratio was 0.4 to 1. Hopefully this is not an example of going to far.  No signs of improvement yet although it is early days.  Have started a physical measurement of the tumors I can see.  I need a way of quantitatively saying which diet results in what results.  Although I am a big fan of intuition I need some more data. It would be a pity to panic and think that things are getting worse when they are not.  Also it would be bad to miss a deteriorating condition because my constant exposure immunises me to the growth.

Mental Condition:

Having a lot of good crying sessions at the moment.  Always feel better after and with my post on suppressing emotions the other day I could hardly turn around and regret this turn of events.  Must admit to feeling very overwhelmed though. It would be very nice to have someone who knows more than me to get info off.  Although there are lots of people in the community that I can call on for help it would be great if society decided that alternate treatments warranted more funding and attention so that we could have more doctors in a place like Canberra who are able to help someone like me.  But we must do the best with what we have.  And so onto day 11…


About jeromepink

I am slightly taller than average, have brown hair, enjoy rock climbing, and got told I would be dead within 5 years in 2010. I have chosen to disregard this :P
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